
Spare a thought for millennials

Jul 15, 2019

The modern workplace and workforces are coping with workplace structures that are almost guaranteed to cause stress. The gig economy, labour hire firms, constantly changing technology, self imposed expectations by millennial that you will know everything about technology, time sapping social media and a social world that is driven by multiple online connections. All of these drain the individual with few morale boosting or confidence generating returns.

And more, millennials expect themselves to be resilient, millennials know the norm is dealing with constant change. The reality is that millennials are human and as a result are suffering burnout at higher rates than expected for age. Anne Helen Petersen coined the phrase “the burnout generation” in describing millennials, people born between 1981 and 1996, in a Buzzfeed article. Millennial burnout is similar to work burnout, a response to prolonged stress that typically involves emotional exhaustion, cynicism or detachment and feeling ineffective.
She describes approaching burnout as “errand paralysis”, when a person struggles to do even simple or mundane tasks. She identified six main risk factors for work burnout, these are having:

  • an overwhelming workload,
  • limited control,
  • unrewarding work,
  • unfair work,
  • work that conflicts with values and
  • a lack of community in the workplace

Who benefits if you are happy, healthy and curious?

You! Naturally, but also your friends, family, workmates and business. Your workplace cares whether you are happy healthy and curious because it affects their business. When you are on top of the world, you’re more creative, you give better customer service, your attitude recommends your business to friends, family and others, you are sick less often and have less accidents. It’s clear as a bell that what is good for you, is good for business.
But what if your personal life is spinning out of control, are you being expected to fake being happy at work for the benefit of others? The answer is definitely not, however, how you are emotionally is important to your workplace and therefore both your employer and you play a part in making a happy, productive workplace.
The employer takes responsibility for your health and wellbeing and engages ACT Curious Employee Assistance Program to assist with workplace wellness. Individuals in the workplace take responsibility by knowing about the support they can access and taking action to help themselves. The aim is for you to achieve your full potential at work and at home and when you take action to help yourself it shows others that it’s ok to get support. The positive impact will keep on growing.

If you want additional support, ACT Curious can connect you to a behavioral therapist that meets your needs. You can get started today if ACT Curious EAP is offered by your employer.

DISCLAIMER: The content of this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Michelle Trudgen Clinical Director, ACT Curious.

copyright: 15 July 2019

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